Build Leg Strength For Skiing With Targetted Exercises and Focused Workouts
Career skiers know how important leg training exercises are to keep their legs, hips and knees in peak condition to not only enjoy a full day's skiing but to avoid injury as well. Workout programs which target the muscles and joints of the legs are essential to ensure that a skier's legs survive a full day of rigourous exercise, jolts and strain without feeling achy and worn by day's end.
Imagine this. You've saved all year for that incredible ski holiday in a ski resort you've dreamed of for years. You wake up to a crisp blue sky, sun shining on a windless day. There has been a good overnight fall of snow and you and your mates are first to hit the lifts. The morning's skiing goes well but by the time you stop for lunch you are glad for the break - your legs are starting to 'feel it'. Refreshed and rested you are ready for a full afternoon back on the ski runs. But an hour later your legs just can't take any more. Your muscles burn and your legs feel like jello! Your mind is willing but your legs have had enough.
Your legs need ski fitness.
This awesome poster, Freestyle Skier is available HERE!
Introducing Avalanche Ski Training
Leg Training Exercises For Ski Fitness
It was after a punishing day’s skiing in amazing conditions that Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist, Mike Geary and a group of friends realised they would get far more enjoyment out of their skiing if their legs didn’t feel so tired and heavy well before the end of the day. Half way into the first day they began to experience deep leg burning and severe fatigue which was slowing them down until eventually, one by one, they gave the skiing away for the day.
That evening, as Mike and his friends sat around soaking their sore legs in the hot tub, they tried to analyse what had failed them. Yes, they were all in pretty good condition physically. It was just that their legs lacked the physical preparation required to handle a full day of very physical exercise. Mike’s friends challenged him to come up with a program to ensure that their legs would last the day on their next trip to the mountain. “Mike, you’re a professional fitness trainer… why don’t you come up with some sort of program for skiers to develop rock solid legs that can last all day long on the slopes without the deep burn and jello legs?”
Developing The Avalanche Ski Training Program
Leg Training Exercises For Ski Fitness

According to Mike, his aim was to create a program which went
His aim was to develop the best programs which would achieve the leg strength needed to support the body’s weight in the variety of positions required to get the body down the mountain, as well as to build the muscular endurance which would allow the legs to continue to perform all day long.
Testing The Avalanche Ski Training Program
Leg Training Exercises For Ski Fitness
With the help of his friends who gladly tested out the program as it was developed, Mike came up with a comprehensive plan to not only strengthen and build the necessary endurance in the muscle groups of the legs, but would also focus on the related joints as well. Mike knew that it was pointless to have great leg muscle strength if the knees and hips were unable to tolerate the stresses endured during a days skiing.
The feedback after three weeks of three to four sessions per week was positive. The guys enjoyed the leg exercises which involved no use of machines. It was time to get back on the skis and see if the regime would produce results.
The first day back on skis was all the proof that was needed. Every one of those who participated in the training agreed that by the end of that day’s skiing their legs not only felt in great shape, they also felt like they could keep on going.
And so The Avalanche Ski Training Program was born!
Testimonials For The Avalanche Ski Training Program
Leg Training Exercises For Ski Fitness

The Avalanche Ski Training Program“I’m
skiing more aggressively now and don’t have to rest as long anymore.
Now I can ski the steeps, moguls, powder, and endless vertical without
leg pain. Thanks for a great program.”
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Image Credits
Images used under a Creative Commons licence
Smart Destinationsristok
Ashley Pollak
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